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Barry Cordage

Barry Drone/UAV Systems

Barry Drone/UAV Systems

Barry Drone/UAV Systems

Barry offers a range of textile products specifically designed towards the Drone / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) industry for both civil and military applications. Working with leading defence agencies, operators and manufacturers, our products and knowledge are constantly evolving to improve the safety and security of people and assets. These products are designed to be lightweight, durable, and high-performance for increased payload capability.


  • Lightweight underslung cargo systems (synthetic slings, longlines, cargo nets)
  • Recovery systems for downed aircraft
  • Drone netting enclosures
  • Anti-Drone safety netting
  • Dielectric or non-conductive slings and assemblies for unmanned work in energized environments

Technical Data Sheet

Barry Drone/UAV Systems

Barry Drone/UAV Systems

Barry offers a range of textile products specifically designed towards the Drone / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) industry for both civil and military applications. Working with leading defence agencies, operators and manufacturers, our products and knowledge are constantly evolving to improve the safety and security of people and assets. These products are designed to be lightweight, durable, and high-performance for increased payload capability.


  • Lightweight underslung cargo systems (synthetic slings, longlines, cargo nets)
  • Recovery systems for downed aircraft
  • Drone netting enclosures
  • Anti-Drone safety netting
  • Dielectric or non-conductive slings and assemblies for unmanned work in energized environments

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Helicopter Short Lines
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Helicopter Longline (Wired)
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Heavy-Lift Helicopter Longline
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Helicopter Lifting Sling Assembly
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Defence and Military Products Technical Publications

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