Barry Barrel Sling - Special Safety Directive

This product safety directive is mandatory for all Barry Barrel Sling owners and users.

Please refer to the Special Prevention Inspection - Product Safety Directive Notice letter: Barry Barrel Sling - Special Safety Directive - Product Safety Directive


The Barry Barrel Slings are designed to carry steel barrels as external cargo by a helicopter.These Barrel Slings consist of a continuous Dyneema® rope sling spliced in a pear-shaped ring, with 2 floating Crosby® barrel hooks.


Crosby® Barrel Hooks:

We have recently been receiving barrel hooks from Crosby® that do not meet their quality standards for dimensions. There is a possibility that some barrel hooks will not securely support a barrel due to their non-conformance.

Mandatory Inspection:

Because of the possible risk of losing a barrel during flight and the significance of this:

Barry recommends the immediate inspection of Crosby® barrel hooks and removal of service of Barry Barrel Slings with defective hooks. Measure, with a caliper, dimensions (in inches) as per figures below : Please refer to: Barry Barrel Sling - Special Prevention Inspection - Product Safety Directive

If defective barrel hooks are found (dimensions out of range), immediately contact Barry for further instructions.

Complete inspection:

Complete inspection of the entire Barry Barrel Slings should be carried out regularly.

Please contact Barry if you have observed any defect to your Barry Barrel Slings or if you have any questions with regards to this directive.

Additional information:

Due to further analysis, the Crosby Group (barrel hook manufacturer) recommends that their barrel hooks model S-377 are no longer to be used in transporting barrels under slung by helicopters as 'there is a potential that the barrels could be bumped, causing the load in one leg to become slack'.

Although the Barry Barrel Sling design has features (continuous sling and rubber bands) which prevent the hooks from falling off, we are no longer supporting this product due to the quality issues of the hook which remain un-resolved.

As a preventive measure, Barry strongly recommends that all use made of the Barry Barrel Slings be stopped immediately for helicopter external cargo applications.

Dyneema® is a trademark of DSM. Use of this trademark is prohibited unless strictly authorized.
Crosby® is a trademark of The Crosby Group Inc.

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