Testing Capabilities

Barry Testing Capabilities: Advanced Testing Services for Reliable Solutions

Barry’s testing laboratories provide fast turn-around services to support engineers, researchers, and project teams and assist in the evaluation and optimization of products, methods, or systems.

We offer advanced testing solutions to better understand the performance of ropes and net systems, helping reduce design costs and improve system reliability.

Our testing capabilities include:

  • Dynamic and Static Testing: Designed for product development and validation, we conduct static and dynamic load tests, load cycling, and simulations to evaluate performance under varied conditions.
  • Proof Loading and Residual Strength Testing: Focused on inspections and recertifications, we assess break strength, elongation, remaining useful life (RUL), life cycle, fatigue, compliance, etc.
  • High Voltage Electrical Testing: We measure leakage current with immersion and humidity and fog chamber conditioning. Our services include batch testing, annual inspections, and product validation to ensure compliance to standards.
  • FR, Arc Flash, Ballistic, Polymer Chemical Characterization: We have a network of affiliates who provide us with specialized testing support in these fields.

Relying on state-of-the-art technology, and decades of experience, our team of experts can define bespoke test protocols and ensure that accurate, reliable results are obtained and evaluated. Whether you're developing a new system, recertifying existing systems, or ensuring compliance to specific standards, Barry is your trusted partner for testing and validation.